LibreOffice deserves a trial

LibreOffice is a very good alternative to the famous MS-Office package. Here is my advice to convert LiberWriter to something that could beat MS-Word.


1- Make sure that you install the last version: Open source community moves very fast and new features, bug fixes and even style changes daily in some cases, so visit LiberOffice offical site to insure you’ve downloaded and installed the lastest version

LiberOffice site

2- Install your necessary plugins/extensions: LiberOffice Extension-Center has a great collection of plugins that could make your life easier. For me, and all who study mathematics, I always needs to write mathematical notations and equations, and I prefer to use LATEX notations and TexMaths extenstion saved me. Also if you writes codes within your documents a lots and you need your codes to be highlighted as in your IDEs, this extension is yours  Code Colorizer Formatter. Also you can search for the required extension here.

3- Make it looks like MS-word: I think you just MSoffice icon packet for liberoffice, and you can find it here

4- Install missing fonts (Linux-based systems): is just very simple, as follows:

a- just copy any missing fonts from any machine (that use MSOffice to /usr/share/fonts/truetype (don’t forgit to create a folder with font family name)

b- open your terminal and refresh fonts with this command “fc-cache -f -v”

I used to install “New Time Roman” font with last method.

another way to install msfonts in ubuntu is to install ttf-mscorefonts with the following way  (thanks Xyphos to and his helpful reply at here)

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

Or in case of problems with arial32.exe

sudo dpkg -P ttf-mscorefonts-installer
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloads/partial/*
sudo apt-get --purge --reinstall install ttf-mscorefonts-installer


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